Monday, August 29, 2011

Chipley man arrested for theft

On July 23rd 2011, Johnny L. Kennedy, Jr., 48, of Chipley was arrested following a month long investigation into several local thefts.  Kennedy, over the course of several weeks ranging from the end of June through the first week July, had stolen several items from local residents in the Chipley area consisting of power tools and lawn equipment and disposed of the property for a monetary gain.  Kennedy was arrested without incident and the majority of the property was recovered and returned to the owner. Johnny L. Kennedy, Jr. was arrested and booked into the Washington County Jail on the following charges: Grand Theft, two counts of Dealing in Stolen Property, two counts of Petit Theft.

Chief Kevin Crews stated,” We are happy to clear up these property crimes and get the property returned to the owners.  Thefts are a crime that plagues all of us at some point in time, as a close knit community we should be vigilant to keep a watchful eye for persons that are uncommon to your neighborhood.  I encourage everyone to call the Chipley Police Department if you see suspicious activity and any illegal activity.”                           

Chipley Man Arrested for Theft

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