With the first tropical storm moving up the eastern seaboard, it’s time to start thinking about preparing for hurricane season, but not just for yourselves; for your pets. Knowing what to do in case of an emergency, whether it’s a fire, tornado, hurricane or other disaster makes an evacuation and return to your homes with your pets simple and secure.
Even if you decide to “ride-out” a storm, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has guidelines to help you prepare your pets that include what to store and how much, medical kits and vet records, creating a strategic plan of escape and evacuation shelter and motel information. For more information or to obtain a FEMA pamphlet, please visit the Dothan Animal Shelter or look on FEMA’s website:
Planning ahead gives you the peace of mind of knowing that you, your family AND your pets can survive an emergency situation.
Sgt. Adrianne Woodruff Gregory J. Benton