Media Alert
April 16, 2012
Dothan Police Department
Citizens Police Academy
Spring 2012 Session Begins May 8, 2012
The Citizens Police Academy is intended to provide citizens with a view of the city through the eyes of a Police Officer. The citizen will be exposed to the challenges and pressures faced by a Police Officer during a normal duty day.
Program Objectives
The terminal objective of the Citizens Police Academy is to assist the citizen in understanding the role of law enforcement in the community, the training that officers must complete and stresses that crime and public safety place on the City of Dothan.
Training Objectives
The citizen will complete a 12 hour training program that will include safety and academic training similar to training police officers are required to have.
The terminal objective of the training is to enhance the safety of the observer and give the observer enough knowledge to understand an officer’s actions during a duty day.
The observer is encouraged to complete a ride-a-long session of 4 hours with a patrol officer. The observer may want to spend time in the Communications Center instead of riding.
Training will consist of approximately two-hour blocks each Tuesday night. Training will begin at 7 PM. There is no cost for the program and all materials will be provided. *Applications for the spring session are due by May 1, 2012. The spring 2012 session will begin on May 8, 2012 and end June 5, 2012.
Training Schedule
Week 1 – Basic Safety for the Observer and Alabama Criminal Code
Week 2 – Vice and Crime Scene
Week 3 – Traffic Enforcement/Investigation and DUI
Week 4 – Domestic Violence and Hostage Negotiations
Week 5 – Gangs and Bomb and Explosives Devices Unit
Week 6 – Special Response Team and Range Day
The Observer on Patrol
Observers will ride with a Police Officer selected by the Shift Commander.
The officer will give the observer a tour of the city to highlight high drug traffic areas, areas with a high number of commercial and residential burglaries, areas known for traffic problems and other areas of interest involving public safety. The observer may request an area not highlighted in the tour.
The observers may choose the time they wish to ride. They will be provided with safety equipment and must sign a waiver of liability before they can ride.
A basic background check will be required before enrollment in the program.
All questions concerning the program should be directed to the Training Division:
(334) 615-3690
(334) 615-3699 (fax)
To register for this class the Police Department needs some information for a basic background check. Your name will be added to the roster and upon completion of the background you will receive notification of your acceptance. *Applications for the spring session are due by May 1, 2012.
The information needed is:
Full Name
Phone Number
Date of Birth
Social Security Number
This information will be used to determine eligibility for acceptance to this program it will not be released outside the Police Department.
E-Mail address (this is to forward information about the course)
Gregory J. Benton
Chief of Police