Wednesday, July 6, 2011

6 women pardoned for civil rights era protests

Associated Press
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — The Birmingham City Council has pardoned six women who were arrested in 1963 for protesting segregation-era laws.
The pardons were presented by Mayor William Bell during a city council meeting Tuesday morning. The pardons were authorized by an act approved by the Alabama Legislature in 2006. That act authorized pardons for thousands who were arrested during the civil rights era for protesting segregation-era laws.
The pardons issued Tuesday were for Betty J. King, Carolyn Louise King, Gwendolyn L. King, Patricia Rose Wooding, Sandra R. Wooding and Mariea Wooding. In 1964, Carolyn King, now known as C. Tasmiya King-Miller, integrated Jones Valley High School.
The six women were active in in civil-rights era protests in Birmingham and all participated in the historic March on Washington in 1963.

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