Thursday, June 23, 2011

Death row inmate gets Lethal Injection for killing 78 yr old savannah woman

A death row inmate convicted of killing a 78-year-old Savannah woman is set to become the first person in Georgia executed using a new lethal injection drug. Roy Willard Blankenship is scheduled to be put to death at 7 p.m. tonight for the 1978 killing of Sarah Mims Bowen, who died of heart failure after she was raped in her Savannah apartment.

We'll have reaction from President Barak Obama's speech last night. It seems members of his own party are leading the criticism of the troop withdrawal plan from Afghanistan. They say it's not fast enough, while Congressional Republicans call it too rash. The president's drawdown plan calls for bringing 33,000 U.S. troops home from Afghanistan by next summer, with 10,000 leaving by the end of this year.

Three sheriff's deputies from Talbot County find themselves on the other side of the law this morning. The trio, along with a jailer, has been charged with extortion. Federal officials say it started out as a drug investigation

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