Wednesday, July 27, 2011


DAILY BULLETIN – Tuesday, July 26, 2011

JULY 25, 2011 – MONDAY:
@ 11:07 am. - Harassment. Alberta Dr. Victim (Pam Boarders) stated she was in a minor accident with the
suspect (Harry Holman), where she was responsible for the damages. Victim stated suspect came to her
address unannounced and continuously blew the horn. 

@ 1:10 pm. – Domestic Violence 3
rd. Hazelwood Dr. Victim (Amy Williams) stated suspect (Joshua D.Bryant) left the house then came back for his cell phone. Suspect became irate when he couldn’t find the phone and began punching the walls. Suspect struck victim when she attempted to stop him. Suspect went outside and tore down the meter box and told victim he was going to kill her and her son. 

@ 1:21 pm. – Identity Theft. Montgomery. Victim (John A. Young) stated an unknown suspect with the
same last name used is identification to file income tax.

@ 1:30 pm. – Unlawful B & E of a Vehicle/Theft of Property 3rd. Victim (William E. Hardwick) stated an unknown suspect entered his secure vehicle and removed a Pioneer Touch Screen Radio.

@ 4:37 pm. – Theft of Property 3rd. S. Union. Complainant (William S. Warren) stated an unknown
suspect stole his garbage can.
@ 5:30 pm. – Theft of Property 3rd. Hillcrest St. Victim (Teresa Renee Summers) stated an unknown
suspect stole her son’s bike. 

@ 8:11 pm. - Unlawful B & E Vehicle. Alabama Aviation College. Victim (Zachary J. Hale) stated an
unknown suspect entered his vehicle and removed several items. 

@ 8:24 pm. – Theft of Property 1st/Unlawful B & E of A Vehicle. US Hwy 231. Victim (David K. Evans)
stated an unknown suspect entered his vehicle and removed several items.

@ 9:23 pm. – Unlawful B & E of Vehicle/Theft of Property 3rd. Hwy 231 S. Victim (Damon C. Miller)
stated an unknown suspect removed items. 

Arleta Janae Blakely – Failure to Appear. 270 Emma Avenue. 22 YOA.
Joshua DeWayne Bryant – Domestic Violence 3 rd. 538 S. County Rd 21. 25 YOA
Damien P. Reed – Minor in Possession of Alcohol. 659 Joseph Dr. 19 YOA

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