Tuesday, July 12, 2011


We are notifying all our viewers that if you are using AVAST anti virus . For some reason Avast is telling viewers that there is a virus when you go to read articles.

We have had our I.T. crew set server scanners on all outgoing articles and all is virus free.

We have found that our Vocast Radio Receiver that we have on our site that allows all our viewers to hear our LIVE AUDIO broadcast anytime they are on our site and we have a live broadcast you can hear us.

This receiver we have for some reason AVAST thinks it is a virus. We have noticed viewers with other virus programs has no problems. We have tested and ADVAST users are the only ones that gets these warnings.

Try another virus program and you will be fine.

We want to assure all our viewers all our posts are safe and virus free.

WGN Staff

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