Saturday, June 18, 2011

Big Brother's Prison...and the signs pointing the way...get ready world!

“...Rather than tyrannize, he inhibits, represses, saps, stifles, and stultifies, and in the end he reduces each nation to nothing but a flock of timid and industrious animals, with the government as its shepherd.”
Another in a series of editorial commentaries that will go unheeded by the masses.  We have become in Eric Holder's words, "A nation of cowards."  ...although I differ with Holder on who are the real cowards.   The real cowards are the brain-dead, indoctrinated members of political parties unwilling to stand up for those ideals on which this nation was founded.  Is it their fault? Partly...(for not having the intestinal fortitude to squash the indoctrination or the foresight to see it coming).  I would venture to say that 100% of Obama voters had no clue to what was forthcoming...including some of the most educated minds.  Here's an exchange between Laura Ingraham (radio talk-show host [OK 'hostess']) and Harry Alford (president and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce):

Laura Ingraham: "Marxist? But you voted for him... Why did you vote for him?" Harry Alford: "Because he was black. The worst mistake I ever made in my life."
You can listen to the entire interview here 
Now Mr. Alford is no dummy yet he is man enough to admit when he made a mistake (albeit too late).  Is Mr. Alford a coward?  Not hardly...but he sure exposed a bit of racism by his answer! Well who are the cowards?
I run into cowards daily whenever I'm reading the comment section of various publications.  Here's an example...lets call him Geoff (for that's what he calls himself):
Geoff says,"...The stimulus was far too small and should have been around 2 trillion according to leading economists. Far higher taxes and more government investment will also stimulate growth. Look at what government investment has brought us...the Internet along with almost every modern convenience." Read more here.
Clearly Geoff has been indoctrinated by the ultra left wing of the Democratic party for none of which he says makes for a sound economy.  And where does he find those leading economists?  "Far higher taxes and more government investment will also stimulate growth." ...I don't think so!  Growth in what?  Certainly not jobs, for all government jobs puts a strain on the economy and can only be supported by the private sector.  What happens when the government jobs exceed the private sector?   Where will the government get the funds to pay all those government employees?  Talk about unsustainable!  That's an understatement!  I hate to broadcast the news to Geoff but every convenience, not just "almost every modern convenience",  was bought to us by the hard work and innovation of private enterprise (Individualism not Socialism) else did we become the most successful country in the history of the world!  So Geoff gets classified as a coward for allowing some politician that wants nothing but control over the masses to manipulate his mind into believing fairy tales.  Geoff refuses to stand for the ideals that brought forth a great nation...ideals of our forward thinking, freedom loving, Founding Fathers.  There are plenty of Geoffs out there and all of them fail to see the sword coming and for this the rest of us have to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune garnered by the politic elite.
Sorry to pick on you today Geoff but if the rest of us believed  in those fairy tales we will all end up in Big Brother's Prison (see following story, also there's a note for Geoff at the bottom of this page).  

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